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This painting of a mysterious lady writing in her diary was inspired by the American realist artist Edward Hopper.
His subjects always have an air of mystery about them.
Edward Hopper began painting urban and architectural scenes in a dark palette.
Then he shifted to the lighter palette of the Impressionists before returning to the darker palette with which he was comfortable.
Hopper spent much of his time drawing street and café scenes, and going to the theater and opera. Unlike many of his contemporaries who imitated the abstract cubist experiments, Hopper was attracted to realist art.
Hopper painted American life. He painted loneliness or aloneness. Often there was a solitary person, in a café, or in a bedroom at night. When there was more than one person, they were often appearing to be totally disconnected from each other.
The effective use of light and shadow to create mood also is central to Hopper’s methods
Hopper was someone drawn to an emblematic, anti-narrative symbolism who “painted short isolated moments of configuration, saturated with suggestion “His silent spaces and uneasy encounters “touch us where we are most vulnerable”, and have “a suggestion of melancholy, that melancholy being enacted”.
According to critic Lloyd Goodrich, he was “an eminently native painter, who more than any other was getting more of the quality of America into his canvases”.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 51 × 3.75 × 61 cm